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Thursday, September 7, 2023

Computers for Class 11 Students

Computer/IT for class 11 Students


In this article, you will be able to know and learn about some essential terminologies, MCQ, and Q&A that are frequently asked while learning and teaching class 11 computer science. The article includes Computer Systems (Chapter 1), Encoding Schemes And Number System (Chapter 2), Emerging Trends (Chapter 3), Introduction To Problem-Solving (Chapter 4), Getting Started with Python (Chapter 5), Flow of Control (Chapter 6), Functions (Chapter 7), Strings (Chapter 8), Lists (Chapter 9), Tuples and Dictionaries (Chapter 10), and Societal Impact (Chapter 11).




A computer is an electronic device programmed to accept data (input), process it, and generate results (output).


·       CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.

·       CPU is also known as a microprocessor.

·       CPU is commonly called processor.

·       CPU is usually referred to as the brain of the computer.

·       CPU is the electronic circuitry of a computer that carries out the actual processing.

·       A CPU can be placed on one or more microchips called IC.


·       CU stands for Control Unit.

·       CU controls sequential instruction execution, interprets instructions, and guides data flow through the computer’s memory, ALU, and input or output devices.

Machine language

Machine language or low-level language refers to the language of 0’s and 1’s that computers understand.

Programming language

Programming language refers to the language used to specify a set of instructions to the computer.


A program refers to an ordered set of instructions executed by a computer to carry out a specific task.

Source code

Source code refers to a program written in a high-level language.


·       A compiler is a unique program that translates the entire source code into object code or machine code or byte code.

·       A compiler, after scanning the whole program, generates error messages, if any.


·       An interpreter is a computer that directly executes instructions into machine language so that they can be understood by the computer.

·       An interpreter processes the program statements one by one, first translating and then executing. This process is continued until an error is encountered or the whole program is executed successfully.

·       The Python interpreter is also called Python shell.


·       Python is a high-level programming language.

·       Python is a free and open-source language.

·       Python is an interpreted language which means Python programs are executed by an interpreter.

·       Python programs are easy to understand.

·       Python programs have a clearly defined syntax and relatively simple structure.

·       Python is portable and platform-independent which means it can run on various operating systems and hardware platforms.

·       Python has a rich library of predefined functions.

·       Python uses indentation for blocks and nested blocks.


·       Python comments refer to statements used to add a remark or a note in the source code.

·       Comments are not executed by the interpreter.

·       Comments are added with the purpose of making the source code easier for humans to understand.


Keywords are reserved words and have a specific meaning to the Python interpreter.


Identifiers refer to names used to identify a variable and function.


·       Variable in Python refers to an object (an item or element stored in the memory).

·       Value of a variable can be a string, numeric, or any combination of alphanumeric characters.

Data type

·       Data type identifies the type of data values a variable can hold and the operations that can be performed on that data.

·       Every value belongs to a specific data type in Python.

Number data type

·       Number data type stores numerical values only.

·       Number data type is classified into three different types int, float, and complex.

Python sequence

·       Python sequence refers to an ordered collection of items, where each item is indexed by an integer.

·       The three types of sequence data types available in Python are strings, lists, and tuples.


·       Strings refer to a group of characters. These characters may be alphabets, digits, or special characters including spaces.

·       String values are enclosed either in single or double quotation marks.


A list refers to a sequence of items separated by commas and the items are enclosed in square brackets.


·       Tuple is a sequence of items separated by commas and items are enclosed in parenthesis ().

·       Tuple once created, cannot be changed.


·       Set refers to an ordered collection of items separated by commas and the items are enclosed in curly brackets { }.

·       A set cannot have duplicate entries.

·       Elements of a set once created, cannot be changed.


·       None is a special data type with a single value.

·       None is used to signify the absence of value in a situation.

·       None supports no special operations, and it is neither the same as False nor 0 (zero).


·       Mapping refers to an unordered data type in Python.

·       Dictionary is the only standard mapping data type in Python.


·       Dictionary in Python holds data items in key-value pairs.

·       Dictionaries permit faster access to data.

·       Items in a dictionary are enclosed in curly brackets {}.

·       The key: value pairs of a dictionary can be accessed using the key.

·       Every key is separated from its value using a colon (:) sign.

Mutable variables

·       Mutable variables refer to variables whose values can be changed after they are created and assigned.

·       Some mutable data types are lists, sets, and dictionaries.

Immutable variables

·       Immutable variables refer to variables whose values cannot be changed after they are created and assigned.

·       Some immutable data types are Integers, Float, Boolean, Complex, Strings, and Tuples.


Operands refer to the values that the operators work on.

Immutable string

An immutable string means that the content of the string cannot be changed after it has been created.


Catenation refers to the joining of two strings by using the ‘+’ symbol.


Repetition means repeating the given string by using the ‘*’ symbol.


In Python, slicing is used to access some parts of the string and sub-string.


A module is a grouping of functions.


·       A string is a sequence that is made up of one or more Unicode characters.

·       In Python, a string can be created by enclosing one or more characters in single, double, or triple quotes.

Flow of execution

·       Flow of execution refers to the order in which the statements in the program are executed.

·       The Python interpreter starts executing the instructions in a program.

Scope of variable

The variable's scope refers to the part of the program where the variable is accessible.

Global variable

A global variable refers to a variable that has global scope.

Local variable

·       Local variable refers to a variable that has local scope.

·       A local variable is defined inside any function.


Built-in functions are the readymade Python functions frequently used in programs.


·       Function is a named group of instructions that can accomplish a specific task when it is invoked.

·       A function can be called repeatedly from different places in the program.

 Argument in function

An argument in a function is a value passed to the function during the function call which is received in the corresponding parameter defined in the function header.

Default parameter

A default parameter or value refers to a value that is pre-decided and assigned to the parameter when the function called doesn’t have its corresponding argument.

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